Clinic Phaselis | Gynecomastia | Antalya Clinics
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Gynecomastia is a female pattern type of breast enlargement that originates from mostly idiopathic (unknown) causes but also genetic disorders, hormonal disorders, various diseases, and drug use may cause gynecomastia. It can affect only one breast or both breasts. Gynecomastia may be characterized by growth in mammary gland or fatty tissue, or both and that does not respond to exercise. The surgical excision of extra breast tissue is the safest and most permanent way to treat gynecomastia.

Although liposuction is frequently used to treat gynecomastia caused by fatty tissue, it may be insufficient to treat gynecomastia caused by breast tissue, which may necessitate surgical removal. If the breast is sagging and larger, the excess skin can be tightened with some liposuction techniques, but if the breast is sagging and larger, the excess skin should be surgically removed.

While independent studies are useful for education, they will never adequately relate gynecomastia to your specific situation. During your online consultation with Clinic Phaselis plastic surgeons, you will learn everything there is to know about gynecomastia and how it affects your body. Your consultation will be tailored to your specific needs. You and a certified Clinic Phaselis Surgeon create the ideal treatment plan, based on his accurate assessment of your alternatives. You can consult with your dedicated surgeon at any time for free.

As Clinic Phaselis, we offer an excellent pre-operative evaluation, sterile operating rooms and an outstanding surgery experience with our certified surgeons. We are waiting for you in Antalya Turkey with our medical team speaking your mother tongue. After the surgery, you will rest in our recovery hotel while taken care of by a private nurse and daily doctor visits, ensuring that no detail is missed. Clinic Phaselis takes you under 100% insurance for any problems that may occur after the surgery. Your safety is our priority and your astonishing results are our reward.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a female pattern type of breast enlargement in which a man's breasts grow due to excess fat and glandular tissue.
What causes Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia has been connected to some drugs, hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases and steroid use, while the exact cause is not always understood.
Am I a good candidate?
Male breast reduction surgery is appropriate for healthy men who have no serious medical issues and whose gynecomastia is not caused by a hormonal imbalance.
How long does Gynecomastia surgery take?
Male breast reduction takes approximately 1 – 2 hours.
What should I expect after the Gynecomastia surgery?
On the chest, you should expect some bruising and swelling. For the next six weeks, you'll wear a compression vest and keep your activity low. Drain tubes may be required depending on your situation. Although you are permitted to return to work once the drain tubes are removed, most patients take one week off of work.
Does exercise correct Gynecomastia?
Exercise can help you lose excess chest fat, but it has no effect on the dense glandular tissue that gynecomastia causes. Some guys are surprised to discover that their breasts do not shrink no matter how hard or frequently they workout. So exercise can not correct Gynecomastia.
Will gynecomastia go away with weight loss?
Exercise and medications will not help with gynecomastia. The glandular tissue is not the same as the fat and muscle tissues that respond to exercise. As a result, surgery is the only long-term solution for achieving a masculine appearance.
What kind of scars will I have?
Gynecomastia leaves only minor scarring, with the majority of scars buried under the armpit. You will have scars around your areola if your male breast reduction is combined with a lift. These scars will be camouflaged by pigment changes in your skin.
Can Gynecomastia grow back after surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery usually has a permenant effect. Excess Weight gain, steroid or some medication use rarely can cause gynecomastia to return.
Are there any complications with gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia is generally a very safe and very rarely complicated surgery. The collection of blood in the wound is the most prevalent problem. This is not a life-threatening problem, and the blood can usually be drained with a needle.