Clinic Phaselis | Almond-Eye-Surgery | Antalya Clinics
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Almond Eye Surgery (Fox Eye Surgery)

Almond eye surgery, also known as Fox eye surgery involves expanding the outer corner of the eye upwards and outwards, causing it to be slightly higher than the inner corner. Patients who have almond eye surgery can have their downturned eyes permanently removed and their eyes to seem more slanted. This appearance causes patients to have deeper gazes and gives them a younger and more beautiful appearance. Almond eye aesthetics can be done by alone or in conjunction with other eyelid procedures.

What is the Procedure for Almond Eye Surgery?

The repair of lower lid droop with almond eye surgery necessitates sophisticated operations with extremely small margins of error. Such surgeries should only be carried out by highly trained oculoplastic surgeons who will plan and examine the eyes meticulously.Surgery is done under general anesthesia or local anesthetic with sedation. The incision is done on the upper lid's natural curve. The operation generally lasts 30 minutes to an hour.

As Clinic Phaselis, we offer an excellent pre-operative evaluation, sterile operating rooms and an outstanding surgery experience with our experienced surgeons. We are waiting for you in Antalya Turkey with our medical team speaking your mother tongue. After the surgery, you will rest in our recovery hotel while taken care of by a private nurse 24/7 and doctor visits, ensuring that no detail is missed. Clinic Phaselis takes you under 100% insurance for any problems that may occur after the surgery. Your safety is our priority and your astonishing results are our reward.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Almond Eye Surgery?
Almond eye surgery is a treatment that is performed to repair sagging of the lower lid contour, which is a typical occurrence in many people and can cause them to appear fatigued, unhappy, and withdrawn.
Does Almond Eye Surgery Leave Scars?
Because the Almond eye operation is performed through internal incisions on the inside of the eyelid, scarring is unlikely to be a problem.
Is Almond Eye Surgery safe?
Yes, almond eye surgery is safe. It's a delicate technique that's made considerably more difficult in individuals who've had previous eyelid surgery or who have protruding eyes, so visiting an oculoplastic surgeon is essential.
Why is Almond Eye Surgery Carried Out?
Traditional blepharoplasty can reduce extra tissue, but it can't repair changes in the form of the lid contours. Almond Eye Surgery, on the other hand, is more concerned with modifying the shape of the eye than with reducing skin and eye bags. As a result, the procedure appeals to people looking for specialized aesthetic treatments, which is especially true for younger patients.