Clinic Phaselis | Dental-Implants | Antalya Clinics
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Dental Implants

Dental implants are screws placed in the jawbone and permanently capped with individual prosthetic teeth, giving a completely natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance by replacing any missing teeth in your mouth. These screws, either titanium or zirconium, provide a seamless and secure fit with your jawbone. Patients in need of implant treatment should follow the hygiene rules below, and will be given a full evaluation and a consultation with specialist doctors before implant treatment.

Elements to be considered in dental implants:

-A proper radiological and clinical evaluation must be performed prior to implant treatment. Before treatment can be considered, it must be established that your bone structure is suitable for implant treatment.

-There is no upper age limit for inserting an implant. The more important factor is the bone structure of the patient. Implants can be applied more easily to a patient in their 70s who does not have a chronic disease and has a solid bone structure, than to a younger patient with chronic diseases and bone problems.

-The patient to be treated with implants needs healthy gums as well as a healthy jawbone.

-Patients who wish to be treated with implants should not smoke, especially in the first 3-6 months, and should pay close attention to their oral hygiene.

-Your implants will last a lifetime if you practise adequate oral and dental care, brushing your teeth twice a day, and using products such as dental floss and mouthwash.

-The implants used have been developed over many years of research and testing. They are made of materials that will not cause any side effects or interactions in your body. Tissue rejection, which is usually seen in organ transplants, is not seen in implants made of titanium metal.

-The success of the implant depends on the bone quality of the person, the skill of the doctor, the material used, the proper physical conditions in the operating theatre, and proper sterilization.

-Get your new implants to replace your missing teeth. Contact our patient care line for a brand new aesthetic look and a magnificent smile with your new teeth.

As Clinic Phaselis, we perform dental implant treatment in multidisciplinary dental clinics in accordance with the standards of the world health organization. We are waiting for you in our clinic for healthy teeth and magnificent smiles with our expert doctor staff and the password of medical excellence and zero complications that we have determined.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are dental implants?
A dental implant is not a tooth in and of itself! A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth that is used to replace one or more lost teeth. A single crown (cap), a fixed bridge, a partial denture, or a full denture can all be affixed to a small titanium post/fixture that is placed into the jawbone. Following the implant's integration with your bone, an abutment is affixed to the implant, and the prosthetic tooth/teeth are attached. As a result, a 'implant tooth' is made up of three parts: the dental implant, the abutment, and the artificial tooth.
Am I a good candidate for dental implants?
Dental implants are suitable for almost anyone who is missing a single tooth, numerous teeth, or all of their teeth.
What are the advantages of dental implants?
Dental implants can now replace a single permanent tooth or numerous teeth that have been lost due to dental decay or gum disease as the third set of fixed teeth! Dental implants can improve your appearance, confidence, and ability to consume the foods you enjoy while also allowing you to live an active lifestyle without worrying about your teeth. Dental implants are comprised of titanium, which means they will never deteriorate!
What are the disadvantages of dental implants?
There is a risk of infection, inflammation, and pain, as with any small oral surgical operation, but Clinic Phaselis will discuss how to manage these for your unique condition.
How successful are dental implants?
It varies from person to person, as well as with health and behaviors. Dental implants are likely to be successful in a healthy person with good oral hygiene and overall health, with reported success rates of 90-95 percent. As Clinic Phaselis, we aim for a 100% success rate in dental implants.
Do dental implants have a long lifespan?
Dental implants, unlike natural teeth, are not prone to dental illness such as decay; yet, the health of the gums is critical for long-term implant success. For dental implants to last, the patient must take good care of them at home and have frequent professional cleanings and check-ups.
Are there any metal free dental implants?
There are no teeth that are 'metal-free.' Almost all materials utilized to replace teeth contain metal ions in some form. Dental implants are constructed of titanium alloy (identical to hip, shoulder, and knee implants), which is exceptionally biocompatible, and titanium allergies are extremely uncommon! There are no proven alternatives to titanium dental implants at this time.
Are dental implants removable?
Dental implants, on the other hand, are set solidly in the bone and allow teeth to be replaced in a manner that is as natural as possible.