Clinic Phaselis | Dental-Veneers | Antalya Clinics
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Dental Veneers

Dental veneering is the process of covering your teeth with aesthetic materials in order to correct a loss of volume or any deformity of your original teeth over the years. Dental veneers can be done for purely aesthetic reasons, as well as for other reasons such as trauma, tooth decay, correcting tooth color, replacing missing teeth, or closing the gaps between teeth. Dental veneer can be made with various materials such as metal-based porcelain veneer, full ceramic veneer, zirconium veneer and composite veneer, according to the patient’s request and the doctor’s recommendations.

Factors to be considered in dental veneer treatment:

-Like your natural teeth, your veneer teeth should be brushed twice a day and cleaned with dental floss.

-In order for your dental veneers to last a long time , you need to carry out daily dental care and give importance to your oral hygiene.

-Dental veneers can be used to disguise damage caused by decay, fillings and bridgework, as well as for more aesthetic reasons such as regulating the color of the teeth.

-After the dental veneer treatment, you may feel some tingling and pain in your teeth for the first two to three days. In the first few weeks, you may need to use painkillers recommended by your doctor, and if your tingling and pain do not go away, you may need to come back for control.

-Since the hard shells of foods such as hazelnuts and walnuts can damage your coatings, you should stay away from them after treatment.

-The sensation of having a large foreign body in your mouth may occur for the first one to two weeks after dental veneer treatment. You don’t need to worry, this feeling will disappear in time.

-You can start eating, with the approval of your doctor, one to two hours after your dental veneers are placed.

-Tooth cleaning is done before the veneer treatment. Since this procedure may cause minor temporary damage to the gums, you may have mild gum bleeding for one to two days after the procedure.

-If you have a chronic disease or a condition that may prevent the procedure from being performed, please share them with us in the pre-procedure consultation.

As Clinic Phaselis, we perform dental veneer treatment in multidisciplinary dental clinics in accordance with the standards of the world health organization. We are waiting for you in our clinic for healthy teeth and magnificent smiles with our expert doctor staff and the password of medical excellence and zero complications that we have determined.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are dental veneers?
Veneers are thin, long-lasting shells composed of tooth-colored materials that are glued to a tooth's surface to improve its appearance.
What are the different kinds of veneers?
Dental veneer can be made with various materials such as metal-based porcelain veneer, full

Ceramic veneer, zirconium veneer and composite veneer, according to the patient’s request and the doctor’s recommendations.
Do I need dental veneers?
People who have discolored, worn down, chipped, misaligned, spaced, uneven, or oddly shaped front teeth can benefit from dental veneers.
What are the advantages of dental veneers?
Veneers preserve the largest amount of tooth structure possible because just a small quantity of tooth structure is removed. Dental veneers can improve the appearance of your teeth, and they are well tolerated by gum tissues. The color of the veneers can be customized, and they are stain resistant in the case of porcelain veneers.
What are the disadvantages of dental veneers?
The procedure is not reversible once your tooth has been prepared for the veneer. It is difficult to restore a veneer that has cracked without having to replace the entire veneer. It is critical to avoid habits such as pen-chewing or nail-biting, which can cause the veneer to crack. Veneers are not a smart choice for persons who have bad gums. Additionally, persons who grind or clench their teeth put their veneers at danger of chipping or splitting. Finally, because veneers are still prone to deterioration, it is critical that you maintain good oral hygiene.
Am I a good candidate for dental veneers?
You could be interested in veneers if your teeth are discoloured or chipped. Veneers will cover up your current teeth. They're also popular for smile makeovers or for people who want to achieve their ideal smile.
Are Dental veneers permanent?
A veneer usually lasts between 10 and 15 years. They don't require any extra attention beyond from routine brushing, flossing, and dental appointments. They can live considerably longer if they are properly cared for. Cleanings by professional every six months and a yearly exam are strongly advised.
How should I look after my veneers?
Brushing for two minutes twice a day, flossing daily, and wearing a bite guard at night are all effective strategies to safeguard veneers. Avoiding really hard foods, such as almonds, or cracking shells with the front veneers is also recommended.
Are dental veneers painful?
Patients are usually numbed during the veneering procedure. Once the numbness takes effect, there should be no pain during the process. After the numbness wears off in lesser cases (two or four veneers), there will be little to no discomfort. In cases involving eight or more veneers, patients should expect some gum and probably jaw irritation. Over-the-counter drugs can usually relieve the discomfort.